Enterprise API Data Exchange


Enterprise API Exchange is the nexus of API/Data communication between different systems in your company. This data exchange platform serves as a scalable middleware that consolidates heterogeneous protocols, systems, and legacy applications - allowing for efficient and secure data migration between third-parties platforms and systems.

Enterprise API Exchange addresses the dynamic needs of a wide variety of systems by securing and encrypting data exchanges, eliminating slow transfers and lag times, sorting onerous datasets and resolving data fragmentation.

Main functions

Enables data exchange and integration between legacy applications, various protocols, and third-party APIs – from open banking to fintech API. Integrating your applications allows your business to provide your customers with a more seamless service.

With our data exchange solutions, Enterprise API Exchange is able to keep your data uncompromised and confidential regardless of the complexity.

Value Proposition


Freedom to implement security outside the Standard Operating Procedures provided by system vendors generally requires high cost and lengthy implementation time. Most system vendors rarely accommodate a specific customer’s needs for fear of producing bugs and other incompatibility issues.


Having a Programmable Exchange means your enterprise will be able to host its own IT department program or API Exchange without incurring extra third-party provider costs.

Omnichannel data exchange platform

Enables interoperability between systems regardless of the difference in formats and protocols.

Fast Data

Data retrieval is sped up by supporting subfile iteration to collate a set of responses in one request.


Feature Highlights

The Enterprise API Exchange provides superior data integration, transformation and transaction management capability. This centralised data exchange solution is also able to pre-process and filter data generated from other systems.

The built-in data gateway acts as the first line of defence to reduce any risk and threat, while also minimising latency in time-critical applications by performing all its processes on the gateway itself.

Enterprise API Exchange’s rules-based engine allows for traffic monitoring and data exchanges – providing transaction alerts to trigger notifications when a request or response is delivered.

Allows data from different systems and protocols to adapt into a unified system during data migration and transaction. Transactional workflow engines can create composite services, including open APIs and lightweight microservices, for combining multiple transactions into a single process.

Other Functions

Perform transition recovery in the event of a timeout or unexpected event.

Process messages in composite services while maintaining established workflow rules

Trigger new APIs or alerts on events depending on established rules

Publish APIs with smarter business processes and complete backwards compatibility

Data exchange platform that can monitor API usage in near real-time

Enterprise API Exchange translates data into the required formats and protocols according to the intended destination, whether it be legacy or third-party systems.

Enterprise API Exchange Key Benefits

Seamless data harnessing between systems with different formats and protocols for more accurate and holistic reports. Removes the need for organisations or departments to build their own system integrations, front-end development and additional maintenance costs.

All departments can leverage each other’s system & data for better visibility and more unified action.

Decide on the next course of action with the coordinated operations from all silos. Key operators are displayed so your enterprise can make holistic decisions with detailed datasets presented in near real-time.

FTP and similar protocols can across multiple systems, eliminating the need for reimplementing the entire logic.

Independent of any third-party or open-source dependency, reducing job redundancy among different app channels. A data exchange solution enables enterprises to focus more on data processing over data collection. Data retrieval is sped up, and the API exchange also minimises slow transfers speeds and lag times.

No development and implementation costs. Homogenising data exchange systems within a single platform also saves on hardware expansion and labour expenses.

Departments can share their complex datasets and protocols with compatibility for legacy applications. Data can even be encrypted, transferred and stored on the receiving system.

Target Industries

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